When it come to anything you own, there are certain actions you can take to keep things in good condition. When it comes to your fridge, Speedy Refrigerator Service comes in very handy in making your fridge run better.
We Provide Quick Repairs
No matter what the problem with your fridge is, the longer you leave it alone, the worse it will get. That’s why we offer service within the hour, every day of the week, every day of the year. We help get your fridge in good working order sooner.
We Don’t Make You Wait for Parts.
At Speedy, we stock 99% of parts in our “warehouse and wheels” so you get the parts you need for a repair right away, not in a week.
We Offer Maintenance Services.
You’ll experience fewer problems with your refrigerator when you take better care of it. That’s why we offer comprehensive mean in services including condenser checks, coil vacuums, and more, so your fridge stays in tiptop shape. You can even get the service for just $39.95 website and print out our coupon!
At Speedy Refrigerator Service, we take the hard work of caring for your refrigerator and always put the customer first. We’ve been serving Long Island, Queens, and NYC for 75 years and always or more information or to schedule service, call us at 866-782-9376.