Category Archives: Food Tips

What Temperature Should Your Refrigerator Be?

Refrigerator thermometer inside the top shelf of a cool food storage fridge to make sure perishables are kept safe and cold enough.

We know that refrigerators are supposed to keep our food cold, but how cold is cold enough? If your fridge is too warm, your food will spoil, and if it’s too chilly, it will freeze. The key is finding an optimal temperature range, but not everyone knows what that is. Fortunately for you, the experts at Speedy Refrigerator Service are here to help – read below for all of the answers to your temperature-related questions.


What is the best temperature for your refrigerator?

According to scientists, bacteria growth rates spike at about 40° F, which is why this temperature range is considered to be the “danger zone” for food. On the other side of the spectrum, water freezes at 32°. For these reasons, the optimal temperature range for your refrigerator is between 34-38°.


How do I know if my refrigerator is at the right temperature?

Like anything else, the easiest way to measure the temperature of your refrigerator is with a thermometer. Some models have these built in, but if yours doesn’t, don’t worry. You can find thermometers made specifically for your refrigerator online or at a local retail store. Once purchased, set the thermometer on different shelves to make sure the temperature is consistent throughout your whole refrigerator.


Do you have any tips for keeping a consistent temperature?

If you find that you are having trouble keeping your refrigerator’s temperature consistent, these tips will make the job easier:

  • Open your refrigerator door less. If you are cooking a meal that requires multiple ingredients from your fridge, take them all out in one trip. Avoid keeping the door open for long periods of time.

  • Vacuum the condenser coils. These are located on the back of the unit and release heat. If they are coated in dust, warm air can’t escape and your refrigerator has to work harder to keep cool.

  • Make sure the seal is not damaged. The rubber seal on your door forms an air tight barrier. Just one small crack or loose edge can allow cold air to escape your fridge, even when the door is shut.


If your refrigerator is too warm, trust the experts at Speedy Refrigerator Service to keep it cool. As New York’s premier fridge repair service, we have all the tools and experience needed to fix any make or model of refrigerator. Our phone lines are open 24/7, so call us anytime at 866-782-9376.

10 Foods You Should Never Refrigerate

foods you should never refrigerate

Growing up, we all had house rules about where certain food was stored. Many of these rules were universal for every household, but some foods, such as ketchup or apples for instance, could be stored in the refrigerator or the pantry. For those “in-between” or “uncertain” items, we are here to offer our professional advice. Here are 10 foods that you should never refrigerate.

1). Potatoes

Refrigerating your potatoes can cause their starch to turn into sugar, ruining their flavor.

2). Ketchup

Ketchup is packed with vinegar and preservatives, making it safe to store in the pantry. Just think about ketchup packets at fast food restaurants.

3). Bread

Keeping a loaf of bread in the refrigerator will technically keep it “fresh” for longer, but it quickly dries out and becomes stale in cold conditions.

4). Cooking Oils

Keeping cooking oils, such as olive oil, in the refrigerator can cause it to harden and develop a butter-like consistency.

5.) Apples

Apples begin to lose their flavor when stored in a refrigerator for long periods. If you want to bite into a cold apple, toss it in the fridge 30 minutes prior to eating.

6). Tomatoes

Keeping your tomatoes in the refrigerator turns them soft and mealy. Keep them on the counter instead.

7). Peanut Butter

Unless you buy natural peanut butter that specifically requires refrigeration, just leave it in the cupboard.

8). Honey

Honey can be stored in the pantry for years without spoiling. Keeping it in the fridge, on the other hand, can cause the sugars to crystallize.

9). Hot Sauce

Hot sauce, and many other condiments, can last up to three years outside of the fridge.

10). Fresh Herbs

Fresh herbs, such as basil, can actually absorb odors and tastes of other foods in the refrigerator. Keep them in a glass jar with water on your counter.

Speedy Refrigerator Service has been repairing refrigerators, freezers, ice makers, and wine coolers in the New York City area for over 75 years. We guarantee one-hour service to Nassau County, Suffolk County, and the five boroughs. Our phone lines are open 24/7, so call us any time at (866) 782-9376.

How To Keep Your Food & Dairy Fresh For Longer

Fresh Food In Garbage Can To Illustrate Waste

Did you know that 40% of all food in America goes uneaten? Whether it’s tossed out or left to rot, we are wasting billions of dollars worth of food every year. Some sources estimate that as much as 20 pounds of food per person is wasted every month!

One of the biggest reasons for this waste is the improper storage. Use these tips after your next trip to the grocery store to keep your food fresh for longer and reduce your waste:

  • Save the bottom shelf for foods susceptible to spoiling. The bottom shelf is generally the coldest spot in your refrigerator. Reserve this area for items that expire quickly, such as raw meats and dairy products.

  • Reserve the door for condiments and bottled water. Every time you open your refrigerator door, the ambient air of the kitchen warms up the items stored on it. These temperatures often reach 40° or higher, so save this space for items resistant to spoiling, such as condiments and bottled water.

  • Get your food to the fridge as soon as possible. The longer refrigerated food sits at room temperature, the quicker it goes bad. Do everything you can to get your food back into the refrigerator as soon as possible after buying it from the store. This includes doing things like putting refrigerated items in your cart last, and going straight home from the market.

  • Keep your fruits and vegetables separated. Most refrigerators come with two independent crisper drawers – one for your fruits, and one for your vegetables. It is wise to keep them separated. This is because most fruits produce ethylene as they ripen, a gas which causes most vegetables to spoil.

  • Make sure your refrigerator is at the right temperature. In order to keep your food fresh for as long as possible, it is important that your refrigerator is set to the right temperature. The optimal temperature range is between 34-38° F, anything higher than that promotes bacteria growth.

Are you noticing that all the food in your refrigerator is going bad before its expiration date? It could be due to a temperature malfunction. If you live on Long Island or in New York City, call the experts at Speedy Refrigerator Service. We can repair any make or model of refrigerator, and guarantee one-hour service. Call us anytime at 866-782-9376.

3 Ways to Safely Defrost Your Foods

If you’ve got some frozen beef or chicken that you need to defrost before dinner, do not leave it out on the countertop. While this is a relatively quick and effective way to defrost your food, it is unsanitary and can lead to illness. Instead, use one of these three methods, which have all been deemed safe by the USDA.

1. In the refrigerator.

This is by far the safest method of defrosting foods, although it is also the slowest. The key to this method is to plan ahead – remove your burgers or chicken breasts from the freezer 24 hours prior to cooking. Bigger items, such as a Thanksgiving turkey, may require one day of defrosting for every five pounds of weight.

2. In cold water.

This method is much quicker than the refrigerator, with the ability to defrost most smaller food portions in an hour or less. Place your frozen food in a leak-proof bag and submerge it in a bowl of cold tap water. Never use warm or hot water, which can allow bacteria to grow on the outer layer of your food. The downside to this method is that you must replace the water in the bowl every 30 minutes to ensure it stays cold.

3. In the microwave.

As you can probably guess, microwave thawing is the quickest option. Set your microwave to “defrost” mode, or about 50% power. After defrosting in the microwave, it is essential that you cook the food immediately after, since the microwave already starts the cooking process and bacteria begins to grow.

Speedy Refrigerator Service provides refrigerator and freezer repair to New York City, Nassau County, and Suffolk County. We guarantee one-hour service to these areas and can fix any make or model of appliance. Call us any time to schedule your in-home appointment at 866-782-9376.

Is It Safe To Store Food in Your Car During the Winter?

When winter finally comes and the temperatures begin to dip into the 30s, many people turn to their cars and garages when they need some extra space to store their food. But is it safe?

There actually is no concrete answer, because there are too many variables. If you are trying to determine whether or not your food will be safe to store in your car, ask yourself the following questions:

What kind of food is it?

Different foods, and especially drinks, should be stored at different temperatures. Most refrigerated foods should be kept between 34-39° F to keep them from spoiling, frozen foods closer to the 0° mark.

Different beverages also have different freezing points, which is important to know in order to prevent them from exploding all over your back seat. Here are the different freezing points of different drinks:

  • Water, juice, diet soda – 32° F

  • Regular soda – 30° F

  • 24-proof liquor – 20° F

  • 64-proof liquor – -10° F

  • 84-proof liquor – -30° F

What’s the weather forecast?

This is probably the most important piece of information. You need to know just how cold it is outside, and how long you can expect it to stay that way. Overnight, temperatures may dip, resulting in unwanted frozen goods. On the other hand, temperature spikes during the day can cause your food to warm up and spoil prematurely.

It is important to remember that the inside of your car or garage will likely be up to 10° warmer than the outside temperature due to insulation. Having a thermometer handy is the only way you can be sure whether or not the temperature allows for safe storage

How long does the food need to be stored?

How long are you planning on keeping your food in the car before you eat it? Keeping leftover dinner in the car for a few hours while you catch a movie is different than leaving it in there for two or three days. However long you plan on storing it, you need to make sure to keep an eye on temperature fluctuations throughout the day.

If you are debating whether or not to store food in your car or garage, it is always best to err on the side of caution. More than 3 million Americans suffer from food poisoning every year, and poor storage conditions are one of the leading causes.

One thing that can cause improper storage conditions is a malfunctioning refrigerator. If the inside of your fridge feels unusually warm, contact the repair experts at Speedy Refrigerator Service. We guarantee one-hour service to anywhere on Long Island, so give us a call today at 866-782-9376.