Tag Archives: refrigerator repairs queens

Tips For an Energy Efficient Refrigerator

In this day and age, everyone is trying to save money and reduce their carbon footprint. The first step to achieving that goal is reducing the amount of energy we use in our daily lives. Your refrigerator and freezer use about 15-20% of the energy in your home, so why not be smart about it? Check out the following tips for making your refrigerator as energy efficient as possible.

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Pack it in
When you open and close your refrigerator door, you probably feel the cold air rush onto your body. While it might feel nice in the summer heat, it is actually killing your energy efficiency. By keeping your fridge ⅔ full, you can reduce the loss of cold air and give your energy bill a break.

Clean your condenser coils
The condenser coils are located in the back or underneath most refrigerator models. The coils are the ‘powerhouse’ of your fridge; they keep it cool and running. These coils can build up dust rather quickly, so it is important to clean them twice a year. Doing this simple task can save you as much as 15% on yearly energy costs.

Your freezer is supposed to be frozen, but it should not develop frost. This might seem contradicting, but it will help reduce the amount of energy your freezer is using on a daily basis. If the frost grows past a ¼” inch in thickness, turn off your freezer for 90 minutes and let that frost melt. Wipe down the freezer thoroughly and then place your food back inside.

Avoid Uncovered Liquids
This will cause moisture to buildup in your fridge and force your compressor to exert more energy. This could also lead to the aforementioned frost, which can increase the wear-and-tear on your compressor.

Is your refrigerator causing your energy bill to spike? Help is just a phone call away with Speedy Refrigerator Service. We offer same-day refrigerator repairs and maintenance services to Long Island and New York City. Give us a call at 866-782-9376 today.


Best Way to Pack your Beach Cooler

Saving space in the freezer is important, but what about your portable freezer? Taking your family to the beach is always fun, and packing the perfect cooler can make it that much better. Fit your lunch, drinks, snacks and everything in between with these helpful tips. Oh, and don’t forget your sunscreen!

Blue cooler box on the beach

Sizing Your Cooler
The first step in packing your cooler is actually picking a cooler. A good rule of thumb is to lay out enough space for everyone in your family to have a sandwich and two drinks. Don’t be cheap and buy the fold able coolers, they tend to leak easily and gather sand that will track into your car and home. Thick-walled plastic coolers are the cleanest and most effective option.

Icing Your Cooler
Ice can make or break your cooler experience. Not enough ice and you are left with a pool in your cooler, too much and you have no room for your food. Using frozen water bottles as ice packs can help conserve space and kill two birds with one stone. If you want to be really efficient, cover them in salt, it will take longer for them to melt.

Packing Your Cooler
When packing a cooler, place the things you are going to use first at the top. Items in Tupperware should be on the bottom because they can’t be crushed. Don’t throw chips and pretzels on top and think you are saving space. This takes up too much room and actually makes your cooler warmer. You want to have an organized cooler so that you can keep it open for the least amount of time possible – the less times the lid is open, the colder your cooler stays.

Cooling Your Cooler
Your job isn’t done once you get to the beach. Keeping your cooler cold and out of the sun is vital for maximizing your family fun. Burying the cooler in the sand will help circulate cold air from the bottom up and aid in the cooling process. Placing the cooler under an umbrella or throwing a towel over it are also effective methods.

We hope these tips will help keep your family happy on your next day at the beach. Share your favorites with us on Facebook!

Speedy Refrigerator Service is a New York-based refrigerator repair company. We have more than 75 years of experience fixing refrigerators and freezers across Long Island and New York City. Call us at 866-782-9376 to schedule your same-day appointment with one of our licensed technicians.

The Definitive Guide to Crisper Drawers

No food to be had here.Similar Images:

Nearly every new refrigerator comes equipped with crisper drawers, but are you using them to their full potential? In this article the experts at Speedy Refrigerator Service break down everything you need to know about the mysterious crisper drawers…

What is a crisper drawer, and how does it work?

The crisper drawer is a small section inside of your fridge that offers a humidity-controlled environment for fresh produce. Most refrigerators come with two drawers, each with a fully-adjustable humidity slider. You can use these to set the humidity level anywhere from “low” to “high”, or in some cases, “fruit” to “vegetable”.

The science behind crisper drawers is relatively simple. They have a small hole in them that allows moisture and ethylene gas (which will be explained later) to escape. By adjusting the slider, you are simply revealing or obstructing this hole, thereby controlling the humidity level.

What should I store in my crisper drawers?

It’s no coincidence that most refrigerators come with two drawers – one for your fruits, and one for your vegetables. As most fruits ripen, they emit ethylene gas. On the other hand, vegetables are sensitive to this gas, and it can cause them to spoil prematurely. If you want to maximize the shelf life of your produce, you should keep them separated for this exact reason.

Unfortunately, there are a few tricky exceptions to the fruit and vegetable rule. Use this list as a guide for storing your produce:

High-Humidity (Vegetable) Drawer

  • Most vegetables

  • Watermelon

  • Strawberries

  • Unripe bananas

Low-Humidity (Fruit) Drawer

  • Most fruits

  • Avocados

  • Tomatoes

  • Ripe bananas

To learn more about the humidity drawers in your refrigerator, check out this article from The Kitchn.

If you run into any problems with your crisper drawers – or anything else in your fridge – the experts at Speedy Refrigerator Service are just a phone call away. We offer 24/7 service to Long Island and New York City, so call us any time at 866-782-9376.

How to Baby-Proof Your Kitchen


When it comes to infants and toddlers, nothing in the house is more dangerous than the kitchen. Between the hot stove tops, sharp knives, and cleaning products under the sink, there is a lot that can go wrong.

As a parent, it is your job to protect your kid from these dangers, and the best way to do that is by baby-proofing. Here are a few guidelines you can follow to make your kitchen a safer place for your small child:

Out of reach, out of mind.

Use your child’s height, or lack thereof, to your advantage. If your baby can’t reach an item, it (usually) isn’t dangerous. Store potentially hazardous objects in high cabinets, cook on the back burners of the stove, and keep all items towards the back of your counter tops to avoid curious hands from tugging on them and pulling them down.

Lock it away.

The golden rule of baby-proofing: if it’s unsafe, throw it out or lock it away. This is especially true in the kitchen. Put locks on your cabinets, refrigerator, and trash can; cover up your electrical outlets; and invest in a safety gate to keep your child completely out of the kitchen when needed.

Think like a child.

The best way to protect your child is to think like them. Everything and anything could be a toy – or worse, food – to their curious minds. Go through every item in your kitchen and think to yourself, “could this potentially be harmful to my child?” If the answer is yes, take preventative actions to neutralize the danger.

If you want to learn more about specific steps you can take to baby-proof your kitchen, we recommend this article from Parent Guide.


Speedy Refrigerator Service has been fixing refrigerators and freezers across Long Island and New York City for more than 75 years. If your refrigerator breaks down, we can get you up-and-running within just a few hours! Call us at 866-782-9376 to schedule your same-day appointment.


5 Refrigerator Commandments

5 Refrigerator Commandments

If you want to keep your refrigerator clean, energy efficient, and running for a long time, just follow these five commandments from Speedy Refrigerator Service:

1). Thou shall vacuum thy condenser coils.

The condenser coils have a huge impact on the energy efficiency of your refrigerator, yet they are still neglected by most people. Clean them using the brush attachment on your vacuum every six months to keep your fridge running efficiently and extend its lifespan.

2). Thou shall practice safe food storage.

The biggest rule you need to know for safe refrigerator food storage is that your fridge should consistently be between 34-38° F. Some areas – such as the door – can get warmer than others, so you should stock your items accordingly. Here is the best way to stock your refrigerator.

3). Thou shall pay attention to the gasket.

The gasket, also known as the rubber seal around your refrigerator door, creates an airtight barrier between the inside of your refrigerator and the kitchen. One small rip or loose edge in the gasket can allow warm air to enter when the door is closed, so it is important to inspect it for damage every 4-6 weeks.

4). Thou shall not overstock or understock thy refrigerator.

The amount of food you keep in your refrigerator can impact its energy efficiency. When there is too little food, your refrigerator loses more cold air when the door is opened due to the lack of thermal mass. On the other hand, when there is too much food in the refrigerator, air can’t properly circulate and warm spots can be created.

5). Thou shall clean thy refrigerator monthly.

It shouldn’t be a surprise, but the refrigerator is one of the biggest bacteria hotspots in the home. Keep it tidy and limit germs by giving it a thorough cleaning every month that includes emptying the fridge of its contents and wiping all walls, shelves, and drawers with a disinfecting wipe.

Even if you follow these rules to a T, your refrigerator could still break down. Luckily for you, the experts at Speedy Refrigerator Service can get you back up-and-running within 24 hours. If you live in New York City or Long Island, call us to schedule your same-day appointment at 866-782-9376.